Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Growth spurt

That is the only explanation for the way Neil has been acting the last two days. Not that he's been bad, just more fussy than usual. So, I think he must either be getting a tooth or going through a growth spurt. Either way, I hope it ends soon! I've probably had about 10 hours of sleep over the last two or three nights. I know this is more than some people get, but I had gotten used to feeding Neil at 10:30 then I would be in the bed by 11:30 and sleep till 6:00 or 6:30. That is almost 7 hours of sleep and it was WONDERFUL. It definitely hasn't been like that the last two days.

With that being said, I started Neil on rice cereal on Monday night. I tried to actually have him eat from a spoon - yeah, that was funny! I wish I had my camera because I would have taken pictures, but we left it at Brandon and Crystal's house over the weekend. I'm really missing it and have to go up there to get it ASAP. Neil didn't do well with the spoon, so I just put some in his bottle and gave it to him that way. He didn't fuss too much about it - didn't really seem to notice.

Since the rice cereal really hasn't helped with his waking up at night, I am going to go and get some baby food from the grocery store tonight and try that. I will have to borrow a camera from someone in order to catch his first few tastes on camera! Should have an interesting posts for tonight or tomorrow morning!!

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