Thursday, June 28, 2007

No kicking yet

Good news from the doctor's office yesterday - my blood work came back negative for baby abnormalities such as Down Syndrome and Spina bifida.

Now my mind turns to when I'll be able to feel the baby kick and move! From everything I've read (yes, I read A LOT) most women feel the baby move between 16 and 20 weeks. According to the doctor, I'm 17 weeks this week - so I'm just waiting to feel something. I promise I'll update the website as soon as I feel anything...I'll do my best to describe it well.

Rodney and I are getting ready to head to Litchfield Beach for a few days. We are heading out Saturday and will stay through the 4th - I'm eager to lounge on the beach with a good book!
Everyone has been asking about my weight and my appearance. I haven't gained any weight yet, I'm still down about 3 pounds - but I'm really getting a belly quickly! It happened overnight, seriously. I woke up one morning last week and wondered what happened to me over night - they even commented at work, so it was noticeable to other people besides me. I promise to take pictures on a good day - maybe tomorrow and get them posted to the page. Something to look forward to - ha ha, just kidding!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Another successful doctor's day, but unfortunately no new picture. Today was the first time that I've actually heard the baby's heartbeat and it was fascinating! There were a few loud swishing noises as we were listening - and Dr. Frankel again laughed and let me know that the noises I was hearing was my VERY active baby moving around. I can't wait till I can actually feel the movements - hopefully it won't be too much longer.

Rodney has gone to Colorado for a long weekend. For those of you that know him well, you can probably guess the reason for the trip - WIDESPREAD PANIC! Since we aren't going to be able to make our annual New Year's trip to Atlanta to see Widespread, Rodney and Matt Ellis (Rowdy) left for a long weekend this afternoon. They have big plans for a Rockies vs. Yankees game tomorrow afternoon, then the concerts are being held Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon - and yes, they will make every show!

Since Rodney is away for the weekend, my mom, Aunt Harriett and Debbie are making there way to Charleston tomorrow - I'm SO excited! We are going to have a relaxing Charleston weekend spent beach side at Folly. What this really means is that I have to clean like a mad woman Thursday night! HA HA.

More good baby news - Rodney and I go back to the doctor on July 19th to find out the sex of our baby. We couldn't be happier because the 19th is actually Rodney's 29th birthday! It will be a very special day. Oddly enough, I haven't seen Rodney on his birthday since he turned 25 - I've been in MN in school every summer since then. We are both excited that this will be such a special day!

Please continue to keep in touch - we love the special messages from all of you :)