Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Volcano Room

I know I haven't blogged in forever, but I thought this story was too good to pass up.

Last night, Neil and I were getting in his bed about to say his prayers when I sat on a teddy bear that Mary Robin made for him - it growls, I mean REALLY growls! I could almost see the fear take over his body and he said, "Mommy, my room is going to turn into a volcano." I had no idea what to say or where this comment had come from, so I just tried to comfort him and let him know that his room definitely wasn't going to turn into a volcano. I showed him the bear that had actually made the noise and we pushed the button a few times. Thinking the volcano scenario had been forgotten, we bowed our heads and put our hands together for our nightly prayer. The volcano scenario DEFINITELY was not forgotten. We didn't get past "Now I lay me" before he was in absolute hysterics screaming about his room turning into a volcano.

A brief bit of history on this - Neil has seen a volcano exactly ONE time in his 2 1/2 years of life. We played putt putt back in March when we were in Myrtle Beach and in the middle of the course was a massive volcano that would erupt with fire and a loud noise every 15 minutes or so. The first time it went off we talked Neil through it and he seemed okay, the next time he was less okay and by the third time we were right beside the volcano and Neil wouldn't even put his ball down and play putt putt because he was staring at the volcano just waiting for it to erupt. It wasn't a terrible situation, but definitely one I remember. Never in a million years would I have thought that he would remember it - especially after almost 3 months.

Long story short, Neil ended up in the bed with me and Rodney and woke up about every 3 hours crying about his legs hurting. Poor kid - I remember having terrible growing pains as a child too. Tylenol was a sleep saver about 3:00 this morning. Needless to say I'm a little tired today, but at least we have a good story to tell!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lyla - 1st word?

I finally captured Lyla talking this morning! What do you think? 1st word/phrase?!

Neil and Lyla are beginning to play so well together and it's SO CUTE! Neil actually wants to share too often with her sometimes - like the cookies he was eating for breakfast this morning. Probably not the best breakfast for him or her!

5th anniversary

Things have been great around the Hancock household lately. Rodney and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday, March 19th and Rodney was full of surprises. We had planned to go to lunch on John's Island on Friday, but the Fat Hen wasn't open. Since we were already in Johns Island, Rodney suggested we go out to Kiawah for lunch - I thought nothing of it.

Lunch at King Street Grill at Freshfield Village was great - we sat in the sun and enjoyed a "hair of the dog." Rodney and I were both feeling the effects from a LONG night of drinking the night before. I honestly thought I may throw up if I drank anything, but Rodney was, so I had to do it too! Couldn't be shown up on our anniversary - it was a day off work and we were going to enjoy it. When we were getting in the car, I suggested that since we were already out at Kiawah that we should go and try to check out the River Course clubhouse that had burnt down previously in the week. (I played RIGHT into his hand and didn't even know it!)

When we were driving to the gate we were scheming about how we were going to get through the gate - Rodney said that he was just going to tell them we were staying at The Sanctuary. Again, thought nothing of it and told him to use the last name Brown, just being silly. Of course when Rodney gave them the last name Hancock, the guard said first initial "R" and handed him a pass with his name on it. I honestly was still utterly confused - I didn't have any clothes or any other personal stuff in order to spend the night - I didn't even have my pocketbook!

Rodney was awesome - he had packed my clothes, makeup, flat iron, dresses, stuff to ride bikes, shoes, all kinds of stuff. We had the best time - we drank most of the day, rode bikes late in the afternoon, ate a wonderful dinner and passed out about 9:30! Saturday morning, we rode bikes for almost 2 hours on the beach and around the Island - went to check out the Ocean Course where the PGA Championship is going to be held in 2012. Really neat course!

We checked out about 11:30 and headed for Nancy's - my choice of clothes were the 4 or so dresses that Rodney had packed for our dinner out the night before. I was under the impression that we were headed to a nice lunch to thank Nancy for keeping the kids the night before. Rodney told me that we had to stop by the complex behind Lowe's to pick up Neil because he was playing with the granddaughter of one of Nancy's friends - again, I thought nothing of it. I realize now that I don't ask enough questions! I just thought they were in town and they were supposed to go to lunch with us to.

As most of you know, when we drove by the clubhouse, all of our friends and family were there to surprise us (well, I guess only me because Rodney obviously planned this!). It was the most beautiful day we've had this year and it was such a blast spending the day with everyone. I have to thank everyone for coming out and really pulling off an amazing surprise! THANK YOU!!

There are so many stories from the day about surprises, pictures, Facebook posts, letters, and the list goes on and on. Thanks again to everyone that helped make it the best surprise I've ever had! And of course I have to really thank my wonderful husband for all the work he put into our weekend - how will I ever get you back?! HA HA. Love you!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Madness

We've started branching out with Lyla's food and it's so much fun. She's been eating baby food and some things from our plates - like green beans and rice, but now we've moved on to graham crackers and fig newtons. She loves graham crackers - and Neil is getting in on the fun too! When things fall on the floor Neil yells for Daisy to "come get this!" Too cute!

We had a great time this past weekend celebrating the good weather with some good ole baseball. Rodney's buddy Kyle Bunn coaches with the University of Alabama - we went to watch CofC vs. Alabama. Sad to say, but Alabama beat CofC both Friday and Saturday! Oh well, the games were fun anyway. We took a big blanket and had a picnic on Saturday before I headed to Hartsville for a wedding shower for Ashleigh. I was trying to get a picture of Neil and Lyla, but it never worked out. You can see that I tried!

We also went to Meet the Citadel Bulldogs recently