Sunday, May 31, 2009

Finally - got my OLD camera working again

As many of you have noticed AND COMMENTED, I have been doing a TERRIBLE job of updating this blog. Well, I promise to start doing better because I finally got my old camera working so I'll have it with me all the time (like I used to!). It was going to costs me at least $75 to send off my old digital Kodak because I dropped it and the battery closer thing broke off - so it wouldn't hold batteries anymore. Well, this morning I decided to get out a tiny screwdriver and take matters into my own hands. Granted, I dropped the camera almost a year ago (July), but what the hell - I finally fixed it and it didn't cost me a penny!

Ah Dude

Too cute for words - Jen kept Neil a week or so ago while I went to a meeting and he had a TERRIBLE diaper. When she was changing him she said, "Oh Dude" because it was awful and Neil thought that was hilarious! So, here it is a week or so later and he's still saying it. I think this picture says it perfectly, but I included a video as well!