Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sleep deprived

I cannot believe that Neil will be 3 weeks old on Thursday. Everyone said that time would fly once he was born, but I didn't expect it to go this quickly. Honestly, all I've done is feed Neil, change Neil, burp Neil, feed myself and sleep - pretty much in that order. I'm so glad that I slept so much during pregnancy because I certainly am not getting much sleep now. It's interesting - my sleep obviously comes in 2 hour intervals when I'm not feeding Neil. I feel like a breastfeeding factory.

Neil came home on Sunday, December 2nd and our first appointment with the pediatrician was Monday, December 3rd. They were a little concerned because he had lost a little over a pound - went from 7 lbs. 11 oz. to 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was a little jaudince. Dr. Geils asked me to breatfeed him like crazy and come back on Wednesday. I did as told and Neil gained half a pound in 2 days! The doctor was excited about his weight gain - I was just excited that breastfeeding was actually going well. So many friends have had trouble, so I felt blessed to not have many issues. I've been a little sore, but nothing unexpected.

We went back to the doctor for Neil's 2 weeks check-up on Wednesday, December 12th and he is back to birth weight which is terrific news. Everything checked out well and we don't go back until January 30th (2 months). I have great personal news too - I snuck on the scale while we were at the pediatrician and I've lost all my pregnancy weight - I am pumped! However, I would like to act as though I haven't lost a pound and set a goal of losing another 20 pounds to meet my goal weight.

Here is a quick picture from a few minutes ago - I was updating this site and looked over to catch this photo. Can you believe my pups? They LOVE their new brother.

And here is another picture from yesterday - Neil and I were sitting in the chair when Beau decided to come on up and join us! Isn't this sweet? What's amazing is he did this all on his own.

And here are two more pictures for tonight with Neil's eyes open - just for you Caroline!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Finally home

Neil is finally home! What a journey today. It was definitely a good decision to stay in the hospital for one more night last night - I have a feeling that is going to be one of my last good nights of sleep for a LONG time. Neil really has been a great baby - sleeps a lot! However, we were warned by many new parents that things change significantly when you leave the hospital. We haven't seen a big change yet, but I have a feeling our first night "alone" without nurses and doctors is going to be different. No more sending Neil to the nursery for 3-4 good hours of sleep at night.

It doesn't seem that we were in the hospital for 3 nights - that time really flew by quickly. Thank goodness for nursery nurses with children of their own. On our second night, Connie was Neil's nurse. She has 4 boys - one set of twins and breastfead ALL of them. Fed the twins at the same time - one on each breast. Unbelievable! She taught us many nursing tricks. He's getting better everyday, but nursing definitely is something that children and mothers have to learn. It's not easy!