Sunday, April 6, 2008

Neil rolled over!

What a great day. We decided this morning to head to the Cajun Festival at the James Island County Park around noon - so glad we went early, it got crazy busy after 2:00. It was a great group that went; Lindsay and Regina, Matt and Chris Ellis with Griffin (Matt's son) and me, Rodney and Neil. I got burnt - really bad farmers tan! Of course I lotioned Neil up before we left the house, but forgot about myself.

After the Cajun Festival, us girls, Neil and Rodney headed over to the pool at the Retreat where Rodney's mom lives. It was a beautiful day, but there were lots of gnats out! Lindsay tried to put Neil's toes in the water, but he was NOT having it. Didn't like the cold water at all. I'll have to work to get him used to it!

Well, Neil has been working so hard to roll over and he FINALLY rolled over tonight around 7:30 PM. Rodney and I put him on his belly like we do almost every night and this time he just rolled right over. There wasn't any hesitation at all - just rolled over! It was amazing. We kept flipping him back to his stomach and he kept rolling over onto his back. He's really close to rolling from back to front as well - we'll work on that this week.

Neil has started to go to sleep around 8:00 PM now and sleeping till about 7:30 AM. I still wake him up at 10:30 PM and feed him his "dream feeding" and that is working really well. He hasn't been getting up in the middle of the night anymore - it's WONDERFUL. I guess it's been about 6 weeks that he's been consistently doing that. We had our 4 month check-up this past week and he's 16.7 pounds and 26" long. Big boy!

Our issue this month is dry patches of skin. We thought Neil had ringworm on his head - he had 3 or 4 dry patches in the shape of a circle that looked just like ringworm. The doctor suggested an over the counter anti-fungal cream. We tried that for 2 weeks, but the patches didn't go away. We went back to the doctor and she gave him an antibiotic and prescription topical cream. That worked so well - cleared the patches right up, but now he has one on his shoulder and another on his back. They are also popping up on his face. Now the doctor thinks it could be eczema. I hope this cream will help him out and clear everything up! It's so sad to see his little face with the dry patches!

Otherwise, things are great. I am now working full time with Southern Shores Real Estate Group - Rodney's company - as the Director of Regime Management. It's been fun, but hectic trying to work with Neil at home twice a week. I think we've finally found part-time day care for him. I'm going to touch base with the church tomorrow, so we'll see!

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